Main Topics
Ø Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering
- Separation process improvement and development
- Reaction kinetics and catalysis
- Green and sustainable industry
- Chemical engineering equipment and process design
- Petroleum petrochemicals, fertilizers, gas processing industries
- Desalination (membranes and solar application)
- Preparation of Nano-materials and its applications
- Corrosion and electrochemistry
- Catalysis and its applications (photocataysis, electrocatalysis, enzyme- catalysis , etc..)
- Design of Micro-reactor and its application (preparation of fine chemicals, food stuffs and pharmaceutical drugs, etc….)
- Development of new polymeric materials (composites, insulators, fibrous materials and conducting polymers, etc. )
- Biodiesel production from agricultural and oil wastes.
Ø Energy resources Engineering
- Nanotechnology applications in renewable energy
- Photovoltaic systems
- Fuel cells, and solar hydrogen production
- Solar thermal applications, and energy storage technology
- Combustion, air pollution, Bio-Diesel fuels and additives
- Thermal comfort, energy policy, planning and management.
- Sorption heat pump systems.
- Hybrid Concentrator Photovoltaic/Thermoelectric power generator (CPV/TEG/T)
- Performance evaluation of Energy Systems.
- Wind turbine aerodynamics
- Fuel Cell Technology (PEMFCs, DMFCs, and SOFCs)
- Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer
- Micro-and Nano scale flows- Flow in porous media
- Complex fluids-Modeling and simulation
- Spray systems - Design and characterization
- Multi-phase flows- Modeling, and simulation
Ø Environmental Engineering
- Sustainability, environmental assessment and management
- Climate change
- Air pollution assessment and control
- Waste water treatment technologies
- Water quality and treatment
- Solid and hazardous waste management
- Integrated coastal zone management
- Sustainability of river basins and water supply systems
- Hydroinformatic
- Water resources management
- Energy Efficiency in Buildings
- Environmental Urban Design and Planning
- Implementations of Nanotechnology for Pollution Control and Detection.
- Sensors and Detectors Technology.
Registration : Participants are welcomed to register,please visit: :
- Accepted papers, after proper registration and presentation, will be published in the conference proceedings.
- Selected papers will be published in a scopus indexed journal with additional fees.